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Libby's Blog RSS Feed

15 Sep Introduction - Libby's Market Place
admin_libbys 631 26634
Allow me to introduce myself and my company in my first ever blog!   My name is Libby and I am the very proud owner of Libby’s Market Place. I, alongside my husband started our business in 2011….usi..
27 Apr Wedding Season
libbyk 433 10633
With wedding season in full swing it's great when someone comes to me looking for something a little special. I love being able to help create the exact product a bride is looking for and help make h..
15 Mar New Baby
libbyk 312 15893
A newborn baby fills your heart with love. If you are anything like me, I cannot watch an episode of 'Call the Midwife' witout shedding a tear and mostly at the sheer joy of a new born baby. It's a fe..
15 Sep Wedding - Wine Glass Charms
admin_libbys 266 16177
Spring is amongst us and I am thoroughly enjoying adding my own touch to all the wedding orders I have. It is such a pleasure knowing that I have had even the smallest amount of input into making a pe..
01 May Wedding Charms
admin_libbys 153 2962
Here are a few new options of wedding charms we now make. The bride to be charm can also be used for hen parties along side our hen party charms. The colour of the beads can be changed to any particul..
15 Sep London Sets
admin_libbys 31 13300
This set to us represents the capital of our country superbly and will always be one of our favourites.  This set actually took shape around the crown charm which we used for the Queen’s Golden Jubile..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)